Saturday, November 8, 2014

What really went wrong for Democrats

Did it take a shellacking at the polls for Democrats to figure out what went wrong?   In 1992 they said, "It's the economy, stupid."

Do they understand what is still wrong?  PB

From the

We have a problem,” Democratic pollster Mark Mellman, who polled on the Kentucky Senate race, told me.

“If we’re really going to expand our chances in the Senate and House, we have to appeal to a wider group than we are now...”

At the root of these concerns, Mellman says, are stagnating wages and the failure of the recovery’s gains to achieve wider, more equitable distribution.

Democrats campaigned on a range of economic issues — the minimum wage, pay equity, student loan affordability, expanded pre-kindergarten education — but these didn’t cut through people’s economic anxieties, because they didn’t believe government can successfully address them.

People are deeply suspicious that government can deliver on these problems,” Mellman says, in a reference to the voter groups that continue to elude Democrats.

“And they are not wrong. We’ve been promising that government can be a tool to improve people’s economic situation for decades, and by and large, it hasn’t happened.”

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