Sunday, November 16, 2014

Majority of Americans make less than $20 an hour

We're 5 years into an "economic recovery."  Recovery for whom? 

The 'burger flipper paradise' of Liberal regulation and influence hopefully comes to an end for American workers.

Oh, Liberals might disagree with that characterization?

Well, this economic recovery delivers more job growth for sandwich makers and bartenders than mere burger flippers.

That's a winning '16 slogan: Libs Love Sandwich Makers!

Or, better yet, to borrow from Jimmy John's:

Freaky Fast Job Growth - for the under $20 an hour worker!   PB


Most American workers earn below $20 per hour.

Goldman Sachs economists David Mericle and Chris Mischaikow crunched Labor Department data that is used to generate the monthly jobs report that the market closely watches, in particular from the survey of employers...

  • 19% of workers make less than $12.50 per hour,
  • 32% of workers make between $12.50 and $20 per hour,
  • 30% make between $20 and $30 an hour,
  • 14% make between $30 and $45 per hour,
  • and 5% make over $45 an hour.

(It’s important to note that this includes all workers covered by the establishment survey, not just hourly workers; to convert annual pay to hourly pay, divide by 2080, for a standard 40-hour week.)

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