
We teach investors how to use the lowest cost ETFs to control their costs and keep more of their money.

Here are three examples how our Life Keepers™ approach helped real people save real money:

1. A couple saves over $20,000 in annual costs by switching to ETFs.

   The couple did the right thing.  They saved with IRAs and 401(k)s
   each year.  Over 30 years their accounts grew to $1.5 million.  Their
   money was invested across several accounts at Merrill Lynch, Fidelity,
   a discount broker, and a money manager.  Our review revealed the
   true dollar amount of their annual costs totaled $24,000.  Importantly,
   we uncovered all the Hidden Costs in their mutual funds, etc.

   We explained how they could switch to ETFs, cut $20,000 in the 
   first year alone, and reduce their annual costs to $3,000.

   We projected what cost savings could do over the next ten years.
   Using free calculators online, we compared their current costs of
   1.6% versus 0.2%.  If compounded at 5% annually, the lower cost
   accounts would grow an extra $300,000 over ten years.

2.  A retiree cuts costs by $8,000 annually in her IRA.

   The retiree thought she paid her adviser only 1% in fees each year.
   She didn't know her real costs were over twice that amount.  Her IRA
   had $420,000 in it when we uncovered $8,500 in wasted costs.

   That's a lot of waste.  We explained how to cut her costs by 90% and
   save over $8,000 in the first year.  How could we save her so much?

   The adviser who oversaw the account promotes himself as a "fee-based"
   planner, but never revealed the true cost of his advice.  We also learned
   he kept the retiree in the wrong asset allocation, which was too aggressive.

   We approached it differently.  We visited easy to find free websites to get 
   reliable second opinions. We also taught the retiree how to measure her
   savings in real dollars.  We showed how easy it is to select and switch to
   the lowest cost ETFs.  Best of all she could do all this without having to
   transfer her accounts.  She dropped the adviser and saved $8,000.

3. A small business owner saves $1,000 annually with his $50,000.
   This busy guy was paying over 2% each year to have his mutual funds
   "managed" at a major brokerage.   It was a waste of money.
   He used a free planning tool online, chose ETFs that matched
   his current investments at 95% lower annual costs, and switched.

Learn how much you can save. Contact us at BroderickETF@gmail.com

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