Thursday, November 6, 2014

Results Are In: Yale Beats Harvard, Wins the Conference (regarding Investment Returns)

Big News after the election from the Wall Street Journal online:

The annual investment showdown between America’s two wealthiest universities is becoming one-sided.

In the fiscal year that ended June 30, Yale University earned a return of 20.2% on its endowment, easily topping the 15.4% gain reported by Harvard University.

Yale’s performance was the best among the eight Ivy League schools, while Harvard’s was the worst.

The rout was the fourth victory in a row over Harvard for David Swensen, who manages Yale’s $23.9 billion endowment, and his eighth in the past decade...

Yale now has nearly twice the number of investment wins over the past three decades as its Massachusetts rival, though Harvard’s endowment remains the largest among U.S. universities, at $36.4 billion...

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