Life Keepers™

Life Keepers is the name of our company.  We teach a new approach to investing where you own a handful of the best, highest quality, lowest cost investments and keep them for life: what we call a Life Keeper.  

The best, highest quality, lowest cost investments already exist: they are Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs, that charge 0.2% or less in annual costs.

We teach how owning Life Keepers is the best way to control
costs, the price of advice, and when to incur taxes.  You can do this practically anywhere you invest - with every advantage going to you.  

We have taught investors how to save hundreds, thousands, and more than $20,000 in first year costs.  Those kinds of savings, repeated annually, can build an extra small fortune over time.  See our Examples page.

It all begins by measuring your cost savings in actual dollars.  Why? 

True dollar cost savings are never personalized for your accounts. The industry won't do that for you - what they say about costs is generic, cliched, and self serving.  But, once you see the actual dollars of how much of your wealth is wasted on costs, you can choose to stop those losses and keep that money instead.  The issue is basically about true cost transparency.

This seems simple, but most investors do not understand the large amounts they lose to costs over time.  It is a small fortune.   

You have a choice: waste that small fortune, or keep it instead.   

Learn a new way to invest: keep things simple, save a lot of money, keep control over what you own for the rest of your investing life.

Book us for a talk or seminar.   Contact us:


Life Keepers™.   Refinance Your Investments® with ETFs.

Copyright © 2006-2015 Patrick J. Broderick

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