Saturday, November 29, 2014

1/3 of Americans Put Off Medical Care. Why? Because it just costs Too Much


One out of three Americans avoids getting medical treatment because of cost.

The great fix that was Obamacare is an illusion that simply adds to the problems of health care affordability.

In the meantime, where is the compassionate, self choosing embrace of redistribution among the base of Obama voters: union members and government workers?  

It is time to see the vast majority of privileged union members and government employees give up their Cadillac health plans and do something they demand of government: redistribute privilege to the less fortunate.

In this case, the unfair and unjust privilege is access to those Cadillac benefits that the less fortunate can't get.

Where are these liberals when it comes to sharing their privilege with the poor?  PB


One in three Americans say they have put off getting medical treatment that they or their family members need because of cost.

Although this percentage is in line with the roughly 30% figures seen in recent years, it is among the highest readings in the 14-year history of Gallup asking the question...

Last year, many hoped that the opening of the government healthcare exchanges and the resulting increase in the number of Americans with health insurance would enable more people to seek medical treatment.

But, despite a drop in the uninsured rate, a slightly higher percentage of Americans than in previous years report having put off medical treatment, suggesting that the Affordable Care Act has not immediately affected this measure.

Among Americans with varying types of medical coverage (including no coverage), uninsured Americans are still the most likely to report having put off medical treatment because of cost.

More than half of the uninsured (57%) have put off treatment, compared with 34% with private insurance and 22% with Medicare or Medicaid.

However, the percentage of Americans with private health insurance who report putting off medical treatment because of cost has increased from 25% in 2013 to 34% in 2014...

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