Monday, October 24, 2011

Federal Reserve Bank: Transparency Needed

Below are four excerpts from news items and analysis found online regarding the Audit by the GAO (General Accountability Office) of the Federal Reserve.

Transparency at the Federal Reserve and in our government is badly needed.  Conflicts of interest reign in the absence of transparency.

We highlight the Federal Reserve transparency issue because there is a parallel problem that affects you personally: there is little to no transparency when it comes to your investment costs.  Billions of dollars of private wealth (your money!) are siphoned out of investor accounts through widely owned products like mutual funds while better alternatives and practices exist.

Investors can save tens of billions annually by changing the way they invest.  This can be done simply, confidently, and effectively.  Read below how conflicts of interest thrived during the financial crisis.  Then consider whether you want to explore transparency regarding the costs you pay for investment products and advice.

We want to lead millions of investors to change the way they invest and save billions and billions of dollars every year.  It starts with each household of investors.  Discover how cutting costs, and keeping the money that belongs to you, can add thousands, tens of thousands, and up to hundreds of thousands of extra wealth over the rest of your life.  Believe, no one in the industry wants you to do this.  But we can effectively teach you how to keep those savings.  It is your money.

Patrick Broderick

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