Monday, October 3, 2011

Solyndra? More Needed!


From the New Yorker:

A Waste Of Energy?
by James Surowiecki

Two years ago, the solar company Solyndra was a darling of the Obama Administration. The company had received more than five hundred million dollars in loan guarantees from the Department of Energy...

Vice-President Joe Biden spoke by video at the plant’s groundbreaking ceremony, saying that the company was creating “the jobs of the future.” The following May, Obama gave a speech at the factory, and declared, “The true engine of economic growth will always be companies like Solyndra.”

...Solyndra had a huge problem: the company burned through its pile of cash ... it declared bankruptcy and fired eleven hundred workers... its offices were raided by the F.B.I. ... allegations of corruption are flying; critics of the Administration are arguing that the whole idea of government support for green companies should be abandoned as a pure boondoggle....

Washington being what it is, the backlash against green subsidies is no surprise. But it’s an overreaction every bit as hysterical as the pro-Solyndra hype was...

Putting money into alternative energy is as close as we can get to levelling the playing field. Solyndra was a big bet that happened to go bad. But we probably need to be making more bets like it



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