Monday, October 24, 2011

Transparency Needed

From The Economic Populist,
GAO Audit of Federal Reserve Reveals Strong Conflicts of Interest

"The Government Accountability Office has completed their audit of the Federal Reserve. Guess what the GAO found? Conflicts of Interest. It seems the Banksters are sitting on the Federal Reserve board, supervising their own institutions. The fox is guarding the hen house in other words. One of the most damning GAO discoveries is the timeline of Goldman Sachs turning into a holding bank and a Goldman Sachs board of directors, Stephen Friedman, also serving as the New York Federal Reserve chair....

In other words, you have a NY Fed Chair, helping make sure his company, Goldman Sachs, has access to cheap money, which will guarantee a strong profit for Goldman Sachs and buying more stock in Goldman Sachs. Why this is watered down as a conflict of interest, instead of a criminal offense is beyond comprehension. And there are more.

You know G.E. CEO Jeffrey Immelt, sitting at the White House, as a jobs czar, all the while promoting offshore outsourcing, more foreign guest workers to displace U.S. citizen workers? How G.E. CEO Immelt loves China as an offshore outsourcing manufacturing destination? Seems while Immelt was sitting as a New York Federal Reserve director, G.E. magically got a new cheap money program (p. 39)...."

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