Monday, October 17, 2011

"Financial Geniuses" who OCCUPY THE MEDIA!

  • What do you do when so many are so wrong?  
  • "Austerity" is a problem....really?  
  • Who occupies the media?  
  • What should we say about those multitudes in the media who are mere mouthpieces repeating the cliches and partisan slants of pre-ordained experts? 
Patrick Broderick

 The Austerity Myth: Federal Spending Up 5% This Year


  • Economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman argued in September that "the turn toward austerity (is) a major factor in our growth slowdown."
  • Jared Bernstein, former chief economic adviser to Vice President Biden, wrote over the summer that "government spending cutbacks have been a large drag on growth in recent quarters and have led to sharp losses in state and local employment."
  • A July article in USA Today ... claimed that "Already in 2011, softer government spending has sapped growth."

When Republicans took control of the House in January, they pledged to make deep cuts in federal spending, and in April they succeeded in getting a bill advertised as cutting $38 billion from fiscal 2011's budget. Then in August, they pushed for a deal to cut another $2.4 trillion over the next decade.

Some analysts have blamed these spending cuts for this year's economic slowdown.

But data released by the Treasury Department on Friday show that, so far, there hasn't been any spending cuts at all.

In fact, in the first nine months of this year, federal spending was $120 billion higher than in the same period in 2010, the data show. That's an increase of almost 5%. And deficits during this time were $23.5 billion higher.

These spending hikes haven't stopped many analysts from claiming that the country is in an age of budget austerity, one that's hurting economic growth....



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