Friday, November 20, 2015

Why Fewer Jobs? Fewer New Small Businesses

Fewer Jobs = Phew!  We need more jobs!

A report highlights why the U.S. needs new small businesses, especially as the economy remains stagnant for tens of millions of Americans. 

Too many people are underemployed, or stuck with part time work hoping for more hours, or simply stopped looking because they can't get hired.

Yet, those people are not counted and get ignored when selected official unemployment figures are widely reported by the media.

A report about small businesses emphasizes the direct impact new small businesses have on creating new jobs.

More new businesses = more new jobs.  This should be common sense.  But, we all know it is not common sense in Washington D.C., no matter what slogans get repeated.    PB

From the Wall Street Journal online:

Newly formed businesses are adding jobs at a much slower pace than a decade ago, a factor that’s containing employment gains even six years into the expansion.

The number of jobs created by new businesses fell 7% in the first quarter from the fourth quarter of 2014...

From a decade ago, the figure is down 18%.

“Look at the rate of new-business formation, that’s fallen for a couple decades in a row,” Jason Furman, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, said Tuesday at The Wall Street Journal CEO Council annual meeting...

The latest data comes from Labor Department’s Business Employment Dynamics report.

That report showed private-sector employers added a fairly paltry 226,000 jobs in the first quarter [three months, not just one month], a starkly different picture than reported by the monthly jobs report...

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