Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What's killing department stores

When revenue moves from one large space to another, there are clear reasons.

Shoppers are smart.  Shoppers are sharp.

Shoppers know what they want.   PB

From USA Today online:

Department stores are in a tough spot - which is exactly where they don't want to be right before the holidays.

The four department stores in the Standard & Poor's 1500, including J.C. Penney (JCP), Kohl's (KSS), Macy's (M) and Nordstrom (JWN), are expected to eke out just 1.2% average revenue growth in the critical calendar fourth quarter...

That pales next to the 10%, 3.8% and 2.3% average growth expected from discount stores, apparel retailers and computer and electronics retailers, respectively...

Get this: Amazon alone is expected to haul in $36 billion in revenue during the fourth quarter, far exceeding the roughly $24 billion all four department store chains are expected to generate in revenue as a group for that same period.

That's a massive lost opportunity for the department stores flowing online...

Macy's, perhaps more than any other, shows how the department store model is under serious pressure.
The most valuable department store by market value has posted lower revenue growth in every fiscal year since 2012, says S&P Capital IQ...

Nordstrom, which focused more on the high-end consumer, is holding it together better...

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