Monday, November 30, 2015

Amazon: Soon to Conquer Home Delivery? Or Become a Terrorist's BFF?

A drone delivers a package to your home.

Do you tip the drone?

Or will the drone trip you into unforeseen dangers?

Will terrorists learn how to exploit Amazon Prime to deliver explosives, nuclear waste, toxic poisons or baby parts to your backyard?

What kind of security will there be at the Amazon warehouses when bad guys take over and send Amazon Prime delivery drones to your home?

You might receive something you never ordered and would never want in a million years.

What if the Bad Guys work with Google and Facebook - using their deep data profiles that means you will never have privacy ever again - and start eliminating people?

Someone doesn't like Christians, or immigrants, or Republicans, or what? 

You have no privacy anymore.

Now that drones can deliver packages to your home, there is little security and nowhere to hide, certainly no way to remain private.

There is no Jack Bauer coming to rescue you.

Let's imagine - this is not hard to do - that Seattle, Silicon Valley and Washington D.C. Power People decide to profile you, vilify you, and target you.   Why not deliver a bit of nasty to your backyard or doorstep?

Right now, only Seattle Billionaires know for sure!

The Seattle Billionaire who owns Amazon also owns the Washington Post newspaper.

Google and Facebook can and do control the content and type of news that is delivered to your device. 

What happens when bad things happen and the news never gets delivered?

George Orwell somewhere is whistling a tune you will start hearing very soon.  PB

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