Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Clintons, Middle Class Champions, sound just like the rest of us: "I gotta pay our bills."

From John Kass writing at the Chicago Tribune online:

...[as Hillary] climbs ruthlessly toward a Clinton Restoration in the White House.

If you really want a tingle, just think of the West Wing right after her inauguration:

Handel's "Water Music" will play in the background, and Bill will stand just a few steps below her, resplendent in his tartan kilt as First Laddie.

And Hillary will be pale and powdered, like Glenn Close in "Dangerous Liaisons," a thin smile on her lips, sitting straight-backed on America's Iron Throne.

But to make it all happen, Bill keeps hauling in at least $500,000 per speech, the money coming perhaps from good people who just want to help mankind, or maybe it's from sleazy influence brokers helping the Russians buy up all the American uranium in Utah.

So why does Bill keep taking the money that most of us, Democrats and Republicans, would consider too moist to touch?

Because he says there's nothing wrong with it.

There is no proof, he says.

Besides, the man's got bills.

"Yeah," Bill Clinton said when asked by NBC News if he would continue taking the soggy cash. "I gotta pay our bills."

He's gotta pay the bills?

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