Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Google wants ‘Chucky’ to control your home

Creepy.  Very creepy.   PB

From CNBC.com:

Google's engineers have floated the idea of making Internet-connected teddy bears that will have the ability to control gadgets and devices in the home...

A camera and microphone would be installed in the head of the toy, which could move to maintain eye contact with the user—much like the popular horror film doll "Chucky."

A user could signal a command by speaking or moving their hands...

(Click picture for larger view.)

Connected to the "Internet of things" via the WiFi, the bear could then control devices including TVs, PCs and music systems as well as the increasing number of smart home appliances such as kettles or the heating.

Google's patent explains that the device may be configured to accept voice commands from a limited number of users—such as only those living in the house—and the camera could be used to recognize a user's face...

"If this was sold it would be something to cause a certain sense of concern about the creepiness of the product for families," Renate Samson, spokesperson for privacy group Big Brother Watch.

"Children's toys should enable children to play in private and not be watched.

It's important that privacy and security by design is taken into consideration and is not an afterthought particularly when dealing with children..."
Link: http://www.cnbc.com/id/102706197

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