Monday, February 2, 2015

Boomer retirements will challenge businesses

From the Kansas City Star via the Detroit News:

Every 10th worker in America is eligible to retire this year or next.

If you're in an organization that cut staff more than that during the recession, or in a venture populated by young people, you might shrug off impending retirements.

But in many organizations, the loss of experienced employees — presumably workplace survivors because of their needed skills — could pack a punch.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that nearly 1 in 4 members of the U.S. labor force will soon be 55 years old or older.

That's up from about 1 in 8 in 2002.

Some boomers were downsized and haven't returned to work.

Some left because of disability. Many others voluntarily are taking early or planned retirement because they are financially comfortable...

Already, the percentage of retired baby boomers has nearly doubled just since 2010. At the same time, every member of the big "baby boom echo" — the millennial generation — is now of working age.

Is the boomers' "institutional memory" being passed along?

Will their "mature experience" be missed?

And is the boomers' well-regarded work ethic replicable?

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