Saturday, February 14, 2015

And what does Walmart need from Texas?

Walmart vs. Texas.

Sounds like a heavyweight bout.  Or an MMA brute match. 

I can see there's a cut man in each corner.   Full 15.   The bell rings.  PB


No state is more “real America” than Texas.

No retailer is more “real America” than Wal-Mart.

And no political opinion is more “real America” than “regulation bad.”

So it might come as something of a shock to learn that Wal-Mart stores in Texas are forbidden by law from selling booze—anything other than beer and wine.

Wal-Mart is paying trial lawyers to sue the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission in the U.S. District Court in Austin, challenging the law that forbids all publicly held corporations, hotels excepted, from selling hooch.

The law violates the U.S. Constitution, Wal-Mart argues...

Wal-Mart argues in the lawsuit “No other state in the nation allows private corporations to engage in the retail sale of spirits but prohibits some but not all publicly traded companies from doing so.”

And indeed, the distinction does seem odd—”irrational,” as Wal-Mart puts it. But as it turns out, it’s just another instance of one business interest versus another.

In the lawsuit, Wal-Mart singles out the Texas Package Stores Association as the lobbying group that has fought hard to keep the law in place. It represents about half of the state’s approximately 2,500 liquor stores...

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