Saturday, December 20, 2014

Texas job growth outgains rest of U.S. combined

From George Strait:

"All my ex's live in Texas
and Texas is the place I'd dearly love to be..."

From the State of Texas (courtesy of the Washington Examiner:)

The economic miracle in Texas continues.

Since the recession began in December 2007, 1.2 million net jobs have been created in Texas.

Only 700,000 net jobs have been created in the other 49 states combined.

The remarkable employment growth in Texas looks even bigger considering its size relative to the rest of the U.S.

Total non-farm employment has grown by 11.5 percent in Texas since December 2007.

Employment in the rest of the United States has grown only 0.6 percent. Until September 2014, total employment growth in the rest of the United States since December 2007 was still negative.

Only North Dakota has outpaced Texas on percent job growth, thanks to jobs created by the fracking revolution.

California, Texas’ biggest economic rival, has created 985,600 fewer net jobs during the same period. California’s 1.5 percent job growth is ten percentage points lower than Texas’ percent job growth...

Why is Texas such a great state for job creation?

For starters, Texas does not collect an individual income tax or a corporate income tax. It does collect a gross receipts tax.

Still, the Tax Foundation’s 2015 State Business Tax Climate Index says Texas has the tenth best business tax climate in the U.S.

Texas has one of the highest sales taxes in the nation to make up for lost income tax revenue. The combined state and average local sales tax rate of 8.15 percent is 11th highest in the nation.

However, sales taxes are more efficient than income taxes, since they don’t punish work...

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