Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Greenspan Throws a Wet Blanket on Hopes for Growth Breakout

So, the Maestro gives a pronouncement.  

Good pep talk, buddy. 

Nice way to rally the troops on their march to 2016!

Happy New Year!  PB


Just when you thought the U.S. economy was roaring back to health, Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is here to tell you otherwise.

“The U.S. is doing better than anybody else, but we’re still not doing all that well,” Greenspan, 88, said today in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “In the Loop” with Betty Liu.

We still have a very sluggish economy.” 

Greenspan said the economy won’t fully recover until American companies invest more in productive assets and the housing market bounces back.

“Almost all of the weakness in the last four, five, six years has been in long-lived investments” in capital goods and real estate, Greenspan said.

“Until these pick up, we’re not going to get the kind of vibrant growth that everyone is hoping for.” 

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