Friday, December 5, 2014

Bill Gross: take some chips off the table

Bill Gross, now at Janus funds, writes an investment outlook.

To your left, in the Links column, find Bill Gross' commentary.  The link title is from his days at PIMCO.  PB

From the Monthly Investment Outlook from Bill Gross:

....Markets are reaching the point of low return and diminishing liquidity.

Investors may want to begin to take some chips off the table: raise asset quality, reduce duration, and prepare for at least a halt of asset appreciation engineered upon a false central bank premise of artificial yields, QE and the trickling down of faux wealth to the working class.

If the nursery rhyme theme is apropos to the future, as well as the past, investors should remember that while “Jack and Jill went up the hill,” that “Jack fell down, broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after.”

Someday soon, perhaps.

-William H. Gross

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