Sunday, September 7, 2014

Where are the jobs? Where is the wage growth?

Those are the correct questions to ask.  PB

From James Pethokoukis at

This was not a good jobs report. Certainly not one that suggests a shift into a higher growth gear.

The Two Percent-ish economy crawls on. The US economy added 142,000 jobs in August — much less than 225,000 expected — as the unemployment rate ticked down to 6.1%.

But the jobless rate fell only because the labor force shrank by 64,000, notes economist Paul Ashworth of Capital Economics.

The alternative household survey found employment increased by only 16,000 last month.

... And consider: There are just 1.2 million more private jobs today than January 2008 despite 15.6 million more non-jailed, non-military adults...

The anemic economy is generating jobs at the top and bottom, not so much in the middle. “Average is over” as economist Tyler Cowen has put it 

And data yesterday from the Federal Reserve show that while income rose by 10% for the most affluent 10% of American families in 2010 through 2013, incomes were flat or falling for everybody else.

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