Friday, September 5, 2014

One out of 3 workers works as a freelancer

We have a fractured economy and a fractured work force.

Deep structural changes have occurred in the labor markets and these changes will stay with us.

Companies are slow to hire; temps and part timers continue to grow; and new business formation falls.  These deep problems aren't being addressed.

In this economy the wealthy have done very well.  Aren't Democrats in charge of policy? 

What is happening to the middle class?   The answer is far from showy complaints that part-time burger flippers should get $15 an hour. 

If you are not protected by government, like unions are rewarded, or if you don't possess in-demand skills, you are very vulnerable. PB

From the Wall Street Journal online:

Roughly one in three U.S. workers is now a freelancer.

Fifty-three million Americans, or 34% of the nation’s workforce, qualify as freelancers, according to a new report from the Freelancers Union, a nonprofit organization, and Elance-oDesk Inc., a company that provides platforms for freelancers to find work.

These individuals include independent contractors, temps, and moonlighters, among others.

The figures provide an update of sorts to a 2006 report from the U.S. General Accountability Office, which found that approximately 31% of American workers were employed on some kind of contingent basis, such as freelancers, part-timers or temps.

That was the last time the government attempted a comprehensive survey of this growing segment of the labor force...

Companies, eager to lower payroll costs and take advantage of a more flexible workforce, are relying more on contingent labor...

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