Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Warren Buffett, Billionaire: Moral Fraud? Hypocrite? Mere Liberal? And what does President Obama say: It's Wrong!

Warren Buffett, Billionaire: you love the girls on CNBC; you love your burger and coke; and you love to preach about other folks not paying more taxes.  

So now you want to do a Tax Inversion and avoid paying U.S. Taxes by helping to buy Burger King and move the company to Canada.

I thought they got the wrong B!

It's not Bain?  It's Buffett!  Wow!

And now Warren Buffett is getting ready to avoid paying his fair share of bajillions in U.S. Taxes!   Oh, boy, you know something ain't right.   PB

From the Wall Street Journal online:

Warren Buffett’s Inversion Play Looks Awkward for the White House

[President] Obama and Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew have spoken disparagingly about companies that use inversions.

Mr. Obama in July called inversions an “unpatriotic tax loophole” and said “my attitude is I don’t care if it’s legal, it’s wrong.”

It even published a blog post titled “what are inversions and why should you care.”

Now that Mr. Buffett’s involvement in a possible inversion has been made public, will Mr. Obama and other Democrats take him to task?

That might be awkward, given how the Obama administration has named one of their top tax proposals after the “Oracle of Omaha” himself...

The White House in 2011 proposed the “Buffett Rule,” which White House officials described as a new policy that would essentially prohibit wealthy Americans from claiming so many tax breaks and deductions that they were able claim sharp reductions in their effective tax rate.

Mr. Buffett’s point, in helping pitch the rule, is that he shouldn’t be able to claim a lower tax rate than his secretary, who presumably isn’t a billionaire.

The Buffett Rule would essentially require millionaires to pay at least a 30% effective tax rate.

The White House has invoked the Buffett Rule often, even on the 2012 campaign trail, but it was never adopted by Congress.

It lives on, however, in Obama administration budget proposals and on the White House’s website, which describes the the Buffett Rule as “a simple principle of tax fairness that asks everyone to pay their fair share.”

That offers a stark contrast with the language the White House has used to describe inversions in recent weeks.

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