Tuesday, August 26, 2014

But wait! Have it Your Way!

Holy, Holy, Holy Warren Buffett, Billionaire, does he pay his fair share?

Or, does he get the tax code and deal making to pay for him?  PB

From the Wall Street Journal online:

Mr. Buffett drove a hard bargain during negotiations, even though Berkshire is a passive equity investor and won’t have an operational role.

Berkshire has structured its portion of the deal so that it gets compensated for more than $50 million in higher taxes it expects to pay as a U.S. financier, the person familiar with the matter said.

In other words, the combined Burger King-Tim Hortons will help subsidize Berkshire’s higher tax bill.
Link: http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2014/08/26/berkshire-to-pay-u-s-tax-rate-on-burger-king-investment/?mod=trending_now_3

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