Friday, August 1, 2014

So Where Are Those Raises?

Jobs are up.   Average hourly earnings match inflation, which means no 'real' growth in income.  Stagnant is a more precise word.  Got a job?  That's great.  Feel like you're treading water?  Sounds right for tens of millions of Americans.  PB


Overall, the pace of wage growth in the private sector has been remarkably slow and steady: Hourly earnings rose at an annualized rate of 2 percent over the past three months, roughly the same as over the past year and since the beginning of the recovery in mid-2009.

That's just enough to keep up with consumer price inflation, which has run at an average annual rate of 2 percent since mid-2009.

Workers in some industries have been doing better than others...

All told, though, wage gains have been meager, and still trail far behind the pace at which workers' output per hour has increased during the recovery...

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