Saturday, February 26, 2011

"A new social contract" - how it applies to investing your dollars

John Fund of the Wall Street Journal has an insightful profile of the Wisconsin governor, a former county executive in Milwaukee:

"It's unclear who will benefit as this debate drags on, but his own experience in Milwaukee County suggests that a lengthy debate clarifies issues for the public. "I would go on reality tours," he told me. "Critics would call them 'gloom-and-doom' tours, but in the end people came to agree with me on what needed to be done."

"His record bears that out. Milwaukee County is a Democratic bastion, having given John McCain only 31% of its votes in 2008. But Mr. Walker won with convincing majorities three times, winning 59% in his last re-election in 2008.

"I won because people will ultimately respond to the truth," he says. "There is an unseen reservoir of support out there for leaders who will do the right thing."


Life Keepers was created to do the right thing for investors by showing how to save large, serious amounts of money by cutting investment costs and keeping the difference.

Hidden in your mutual funds and other products are costs that appear as seemingly small percentages of the money you have invested.

When the truth comes out - something that we at Life Keepers translate into real dollars so you can see what the real dollar truth is about the costs you pay - investors are surprised to learn how much of their wealth is wasted by costs.

If there will emerge a "new social contract" for taxpayers, whose money pays for government worker salaries and benefits, then it makes sense that investors forge a new social contract for their investment costs.

We teach how to stop costs from wasting your personal wealth and keep that money in your accounts.  "People will ultimately respond to the truth," says Governor Walker about his experience in politics at the county level. 

Life Keepers is leading a quiet cost revolution for investors.  You can take control over the investments you own, cut your costs deeply and permanently, and keep the difference.  We explain how to measure that difference in actual dollars.  Once you see what that means for you - both for today and tomorrow - you will realize how important it is to get to the truth about all the costs you pay.

Not only can you make a dramatically positive difference for you and your family, but together with others you can impact how Washington and Wall Street behaves by simply bypassing them and showing the nation your independence is not something to abuse and take for granted.

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