Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Toyota: The Media Owe You an Apology" from Businessweek online.

Writer Ed Wallace takes the media to task for hyping a story about Toyota's supposed acceleration problems and how the media neglected to report the real causes behind runaway Lexus and Toyota vehicles, namely, driver error.

What gets neglected in the financial media is the truth behind investment costs.  The issue isn't investor error; rather, it's how the real impact of costs is neglected.  Don't allow sensational stories to sidetrack you.

Costs waste wealth.  That is a simple and true fact.

Investors can become wealthier simply by cutting and keep their costs.

Discover how to bypass the media for your information.  Learn to focus on the key element that you should never neglect: the actual dollar amounts you lose to costs every year.  We show investors a better way to invest. 

We explain how to measure in real dollars the amounts you can save by cutting and keeping your costs.  It is easier than anyone in the industry, or the media, wants you to know.  You don't need them.   Maybe that's sad for them, but certainly it will be very good for you.

No apologies needed: simply invest with the lowest cost ETFs you can keep for life and save a fortune on costs.

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