Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Get Serious About Your Costs

How delightful to see Washington tackle great issues of the day:

Megan McArdle from the Atlantic.com:   
"Time to Get Serious About the Deficit"

I don't need to tell you what I think of the budget: it's disastrous...

Unless politicians get serious about deficit reduction right now--not seven years in the future--they're going to tax-cut-and-spend us straight into the poorhouse.

Dana Milbank from the Washingtonpost.com:   
"In his new budget, Obama kicks the can one more time"

Our leaders are so good at kicking the can that it's almost uncanny.

"The way we've dealt with it for most of the last decade," White House budget director Jack Lew said Monday afternoon as he laid out President Obama's new budget, "is simply to put the expense on our national credit card and to kick the can down the road. Well, this budget says we can't do that anymore."

In case you didn't notice, that was a canned line...

Yuval Levin at Nationalreview.com:  
"The Budget"

The president appears to have decided to spend the next two years pretending there is no problem to solve, and therefore that Republican proposals to rein in spending are just mean-spirited cuts offered up for kicks.

This is, above all, an appalling failure of leadership....

Dear Investors: don't commit an appalling failure of leadership.  You can cut your costs deeply, permanently, confidently, and easily.  You get to keep the cost savings.  But you need to take charge and take control over your investments. 

We can guide you very successfully.  We've saved a lot of people a lot of money.  Except we put those savings in real dollars you can contrast and compare.

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