Wednesday, September 7, 2016

NPR: An Economic Mystery: Why Are Men Leaving The Workforce?

This is not new, but it should remain in the news. 

There is a deep social and economic problem in America. 

There has a been a massive deterioration in employment, especially among men, and worst of all among black men.

The line that sums it all up: "these men aren't even counted among the jobless, because they aren't seeking work..."

The failed politics and policies of progressive ideology is mostly to blame, but there has been no leadership from either party that has been effective in connecting the dots. 

Jeb Bush finessing Common Core? 

Senate Democrats and Democrat members of Congress blaming others but themselves? 

At least the clowns have enjoyed steady work!  PB

From NPR comes this report:

Millions of men in their prime working years have dropped out of the workforce — meaning they aren't working or even looking for a job.

It's a trend that's held true for decades and has economists puzzled.

In the 1960s, nearly 100 percent of men between the ages of 25 and 54 worked. That's fallen over the decades.

In a recent report, President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers said 83 percent of men in the prime working ages of 25-54 who were not in the labor force had not worked in the previous year.

So, essentially, 10 million men are missing from the workforce.

"One in six prime-age guys has no job; it's kind of worse than it was in the depression in 1940," says Nicholas Eberstadt, an economic and demographic researcher at American Enterprise Institute who wrote the book Men Without Work: America's Invisible Crisis.

He says these men aren't even counted among the jobless, because they aren't seeking work...

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