Saturday, August 8, 2015

Jobs: Hole in the Middle

The New York Times notices what millions of Americans have known for years and years.

The liberal-progressive Obama economy is hostile to the Middle Class.

Just consider this: why have Billionaires flourished in the Obama economy?

And why should millions of average Americans, clinging to honorable middle class hopes and dreams, continue to pay the price?

Shame on the progressive frauds.  It is phony progressive policies that attack the middle class.

The most difficult truth to accept is that progressive politics is the poison that afflicts middle class Americans.   PB

From the New York Times online:

The economy created 215,000 jobs, in line with average job creation so far this year.

The growth in July was centered in retail, restaurants and other low-paying service jobs, though there was also encouraging growth in higher-paying fields, including construction and finance.

What was lacking — in July, as in every other month in the past several years — was any appreciable growth in wages.

Average hourly earnings for all private-sector employees rose by 0.5 cents, to $24.99.

Take away the minority of employees who are bosses, and the increase was just 0.3 cents, to $21.01 an hour, or $42,000 a year for a full-time job.

Over all, the average annualized growth rate for wages over the past three months comes to 1.9 percent, barely outpacing inflation.

Job growth without pay raises is a discouraging sign of slack in the job market.

For example, the share of the population age 25 to 54 that is working is stuck at recession-era levels and, worse, has stopped improving in the past five months.

That suggests a dearth of job opportunities for a pool of potential workers that is larger than indicated by the relatively low unemployment rate of 5.3 percent...

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