Monday, August 10, 2015

Carly Fiorina: Income Inequality Is Worse Under Progressive Policies

From Fox News via Real Clear Politics:

CHRIS WALLACE: So when Hillary Clinton says, "Yeah, and the rich are going to make out like bandits."

CARLY FIORINA: What I would point out to Hillary Clinton is that every single one of the policies that she is currently pursuing makes income inequality worse.

Exhibit A: income inequality under the Obama administration.

Exhibit B: every liberal state in this nation. I spent twelve years in the state of California, a state that's been ruled by liberals for a long time.

And guess what you have: about a hundred and thirty billionaires--good for them--the highest poverty rates in the nation, the exodus of the middle class, the destruction of industry after industry after industry.

Income inequality is worse under progressive policies, because progressive policies favor the wealthy, the well-connected, and the powerful...

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