Thursday, July 23, 2015

Social Security disability fund to run dry next year: Greece is the word, the word that you heard...

Cuts are coming.  Unfunded liabilities continue.  But the full realization of those costs is kicked down the road.  Sound familiar?

Huge social disruption is baked into our future by the phoniness of political promises.  We can't pay our future debt.  We might soon see flickers of social tension in the SSI disability system as the AP reports below.

Today's crisis in Greece is baked into our future.  Light the cheese.  Opa!

About 15 years from now the flashpoints will begin to erupt in our society.

Greece in America, anyone? 

Those great seers the Bee Gees forecasted this: "grease Greece is the word, is the word that you heard..."  PB

From the Associated Press online:

"The 11 million Americans who receive Social Security disability face steep benefit cuts next year, the government said Wednesday, handing lawmakers a fiscal and political crisis in the middle of a presidential campaign.

The trustees who oversee Social Security and Medicare said the disability trust fund will run out of money in late 2016

That would trigger an automatic 19 percent cut in benefits, unless Congress acts.

The average monthly benefit for disabled workers and their families is $1,017.

The typical beneficiary would see a reduction of $193 a month...

Separately, about 7 million Medicare beneficiaries could face a monthly premium increase of at least $54 for outpatient coverage. That works out to an increase of more than 50 percent.

The annual report card on the financial health of Social Security and Medicare shows that the federal government's largest benefit programs are feeling the strain of aging baby boomers as they both approach milestone anniversaries.

Medicare turns 50 at the end of the month and Social Security turns 80 two weeks later.

Together, the programs accounted for more than 40 percent of federal spending last year..."

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