Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Americans start to feel price hikes

From the Associated Press online:

Apartment rents are up. So are prices for restaurant meals, haircuts, gym memberships and a cup of coffee.

For American consumers who have become used to flat or even falling prices for several years, an unfamiliar sight has emerged in many corners of the economy: Inflation is ticking up.

The price increases remain modest. And in many cases, they're canceled out by price declines for other items that are keeping overall inflation historically low.

Yet the stepped-up price tags for a range of consumer items are the largest since the Great Recession ended six years ago.

They actually reflect a healthier economy: Many businesses have finally grown confident enough to pass their own higher costs on to consumers without fear of losing customers.

  • In June, the price of haircuts jumped 1.6 percent, the biggest monthly jump in the 62 years that the government has tracked the data...
  • Coffee prices jumped 6.1 percent in January from 12 months earlier, the most in nearly three years...
  • And beef prices have soared nearly 11 percent in the past year...

  • The biggest driver of inflation this year has been residential rents. They climbed 3.5 percent in June from a year earlier, the fifth straight month with an annual gain of that size...
Link: http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_CONSUMER_PRICES_TICK_UP?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-07-28-20-07-23

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