Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Virtue Of Fathers

From the

Dads, We Need You, Don’t We?

It must be hard for men in today’s feminist-soaked society, or even just living with a really opinionated woman (err, sorry, honey), to show up at the workplace of fatherhood every day, when the media thinks he’s dumb, society thinks he’s replaceable, and the mother of his children doesn’t think he’s “doing it the right way.”

But that doesn’t mean we as a collective society of women, children, and grandchildren don’t need and won’t try to appreciate them.

Good, strong, wise men inherently possess so many valuable traits that even the most accomplished, intelligent, intentional women would struggle to model them.

In a father’s ability to focus on his vocational calling, he shows his sons and daughters the value of hard work and responsibility.

In a father’s sometimes-unemotional and no-nonsense way, he models the power of the calm mind over fluctuating emotions.

This is the design. Why do we fight it?

Do fathers shrink from it because they don’t believe in the virtue of fatherhood, or because they—or loved ones—think they can’t demonstrate it?

It’s time we correct the portrayal of dads, boost their importance, and encourage their natural, God-given traits.

They might even show moms a thing or two about parenting.

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