Saturday, June 20, 2015

Female Entrepreneurs Generate Over $1 Trillion in Revenue

From Fox Business:

Women now own 30% of all businesses in the U.S., according to an American Express (AXP) study including data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Female entrepreneurs are generating about $1.5 trillion in revenue per year - which is a nearly 80% increase since 1997, the study reports...

Women are starting their own companies in southern and western parts of the U.S. in greater numbers - partly due to more state government support and an increasing number of women business centers, added Weeks.

Georgia ranks number one in growth in the amount of women-owned firms that have opened since the late 1990’s - more than 130%.

Compare that with Alaska sitting in last place with about 14%. The national average is 50%, including all businesses.

The diversity of the women who are starting these businesses is also changing, the study shows.

“Back in the 1997 U.S. Census, one out of six women who owned businesses was a woman of color. Now it’s one out of every three. There’s tremendous ethnic diversity,” said Weeks...

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