Sunday, October 19, 2014

George W. Obama and his Hurricane Ebola

What?  What is this reporting from the New York Times?

Incompetence in Big Government hurting people's lives?

What?  Really?  Is there a small note of despise?    PB

From the New York Times online

Failures of Competence

Et tu, C.D.C.?

For years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been the most trusted agency in the federal government...

And then came Ebola.

The Ebola outbreak is not exactly enhancing the C.D.C.'s reputation for competence.

At first, the agency reassured the public that American hospitals were ready to handle any Ebola cases that came their way.

That has turned out not to be the case.

When Thomas Eric Duncan was diagnosed with Ebola in Dallas, the C.D.C. did not immediately fly in an expert team — something that the C.D.C. director, Tom Frieden, now says it should have done.

Most recently, the C.D.C. appears to have allowed one of the Dallas nurses who helped Duncan to take a flight from Ohio to Texas even though she had a slightly raised temperature.

When it became clear that she had contracted the virus — the second nurse to do so — Frieden was forced to admit that letting her on the plane was a mistake...

And now comes the C.D.C. — the most trusted agency in government — thrust in a role for which it was designed: advising us and protecting us from a potential contagion.

With every new mistake, it becomes, in the public eye, just another federal agency that can’t get it right.

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