Saturday, October 18, 2014

Obamacare: source of the New War on Women

From the New York Times comes a story....

Wait!  Breaking news from a few years ago!

"If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan...."

Is that true?  If you liked your plan, you can keep your plan? 

Think about Patricia Wanderlich, and others who purchased Obamacare, mentioned in a New York Times article.  She can't afford health care under Obamacare.

My God, what has Obamacare done to women?

Obamacare is just another intrusive Big Government Waste Machine that restricts people's choices.  It is self-congratulatory while hurting real people.

What this tells us is that the biggest fraud in our current American life comes from self described 'reality based' progressives and liberals.

Reality based?  These are the true bigots of our times.

Liberal, progressive bigots: we need a cure.  Fast!  PB

NYT: Unable to Meet the Deductible or the Doctor

Patricia Wanderlich got insurance through the Affordable Care Act this year, and with good reason:

She suffered a brain hemorrhage in 2011, spending weeks in a hospital intensive care unit, and has a second, smaller aneurysm that needs monitoring.

But her new plan has a $6,000 annual deductible, meaning that Ms. Wanderlich, who works part time at a landscaping company outside Chicago, has to pay for most of her medical services up to that amount.

She is skipping this year’s brain scan and hoping for the best.

“To spend thousands of dollars just making sure it hasn’t grown?” said Ms. Wanderlich, 61.

“I don’t have that money...”

A survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that the average deductible for individual coverage in employer-sponsored plans was $1,217 this year.

In comparison, the average deductible for a bronze plan on the exchange — the least expensive coverage — was $5,081 for an individual and $10,386 for a family...

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