Thursday, July 10, 2014

Skills Shortage Means Many Jobs Go Unfilled

From the Wall Street Journal online:

Growing numbers of small-business owners say unfilled job openings are thwarting their growth at a time of high confidence in the economy...

The tightening of the labor market is one factor, according to economists.

The unemployment rate in June was 6.1%, down from 8.2% two years ago.

A shortage of workers with the right skills and experience is also a major impediment...

Overall, 43% of small-business owners said unfilled jobs were impeding their businesses from growth or expansion, compared with 39% in 2012...

Karla Daniel, co-owner of a 20-person company that sells and services power equipment such as tractors and mowers, says she currently has three unfilled positions for skilled repair technicians that have been open for more than a year.

Recently, business picked up so much at Lee's Outdoor Power Inc. that she had to deny customers due to being understaffed.

"We used to get a lot of technicians from the farming community, but there aren't as many farmers anymore," says Ms. Daniel, about the New Haven, Ind., company that was started by her father in 1972.

"It's hard to find anybody with mechanical ability."

Two years ago, she raised salaries for senior repair technicians to $20 an hour from $12.

She also advertises the open jobs on a wide range of websites, and uses recruiters...

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