Tuesday, July 15, 2014

More Evidence: Too Many People Still Left Behind

Mort Zuckerman's column in the WSJ, excerpted yesterday on this blog, drew a typical liberal's response from a writer at The Atlantic Magazine, which I once subscribed to back in high school.  Tedious then...wrong now.

"The Atlantic has done our best to bust this myth." What myth?

The writer describes "the remarkably durable myth that Obama has presided over a 'part-time economy,' where full-time work has been devastated by his relentlessly anti-capitalist policies."  He cites some contrary facts using 2010 as a starting point.  (All links below.)

Myth?  Are you mything something, Mr. Atlantic?
Here are some other views:

Bloomberg.com: Fed Chair Janet Yellen Says Weak Job Market Shows U.S. Still Needs Stimulus

It takes such a toll on families and children,” Yellen said. “Anyone who ever talked to people experiencing significant unemployment realizes what the psychological toll is and the ways it affects their well-being and that of their community.”

CNBC: Family Dollar CEO: situation is only getting worse for lower-end consumers

Family Dollar CEO Howard Levine:  "The low-end consumer has not benefited in this recovery at all; in fact I think (they) have slipped further back," he said.

New York Times: More Part-Time Workers Facing More Uncertainty

During the recent recession, those working part-time but preferring to work full-time skyrocketed. That number has slipped, but is still almost double where it started in 2007. The trend has been even more pronounced for retail and restaurant workers.  


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