Saturday, July 6, 2013

Obamacare Strikes: Part-Time Jobs Surge To All Time High; Full-Time Jobs Plunge By 240,000

From Zero

As a reminder: jobs have quantity and quality components.

The quantity component was good enough to convince the 10 Year [Treasury Bond] the taper is imminent (if not stocks, which continue to trade dislocated from any and all fundamentals).

But how about the quality? In a word: not good. 

In June, the household survey reported that part-time jobs soared by 360,000 to 28,059,000 - an all time record high. 

Full time jobs? Down 240,000.  And looking back at the entire year, so far in 2013, just 130K Full-Time Jobs have been added, offset by a whopping 557K Part-Time jobs.

And there is your jobs "quality" leading to today's market euphoria (if only for now)....

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