Saturday, July 6, 2013

Black Unemployment Rate Rose in June to 13.7 Percent


The African-American unemployment rate rose from 13.5 percent in May to 13.7 percent in June, according to figures released by the U.S. Labor Department....

Bob Johnson, chairman of the RLJ Companies and founder of Black Entertainment Television, continued to call on the private sector to do its part to decrease the African-American unemployment rate, which is nearly double the national rate.

“Demographic trends clearly indicate that minorities are quickly becoming the largest employee pool and consumer base in the United States and with this, corporate America should view diversity as a business imperative, no less important than financial performance, succession planning and shareholder relations," Johnson told "I am encouraging companies to voluntarily adopt a policy that I call the RLJ Rule, which, if implemented properly, is designed to further enhance a company’s already established commitment to diversity and inclusion.”

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