Saturday, September 17, 2011

Does Obama Really Believe He's Still Popular?

Where is the old media when you need them to give you the truth?


From Jay Cost, of Real Clear Politics, writing for the Weekly Standard:

"I couldn’t help but take note of this video (link below):

  Audience Member: I love you, Barack!

  Pres. Obama: I love you back…If you love me, you gotta help me pass this bill!

So, I guess this would be yet another reason not to expect the American Jobs Act to pass through the Congress. After all, there just aren’t enough people that love President Obama anymore!

I’ve said it before, and it bears repeating, given this absurd little clip: Barack Obama is not a popular president. He certainly is not as deeply unpopular as some of his predecessors have been at various points, but he has not been popular for a very long time....

Let’s keep in mind that this president’s “arrogance to excellence” ratio has always been staggeringly high, and realizing that the bottom has dropped out would require him to admit that he’s screwed up somewhere along the way. The sort of fellow willing to run for president after just two years in the Senate and make patently absurd promises about what his administration could do is not the sort with a thorough appreciation of his own faults.

Despite having written two autobiographies by the time he was 45, this president is really not very self-aware, and I doubt his sycophantic advisors are much better off. So, expect him to keep doing what he’s been doing over the last two years – acting as if he is not the divisive, unpopular leader he actually is."



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