Monday, September 26, 2011

Americans Say Federal Government Wastes Over Half of Every Dollar

From Gallup:

"Americans estimate that the federal government wastes 51 cents of every dollar it spends, a new high in a Gallup trend question first asked in 1979....

Americans have viewed the federal government as being the most wasteful of tax dollars -- and local government the least -- each time Gallup has asked these questions. That pattern is consistent with Americans' greater trust in state and local government than in the federal government.

Over time, though, Americans have become increasingly likely to see all levels of government as being wasteful of tax dollars. Americans now believe all levels of government waste at least 11 cents more on the dollar compared with 1979...."


Are you wasting large amounts of Personal Wealth on investment costs?   Like the vast majority of investors, you are very likely wasting money that could and should stay in your accounts.

If you believe the government wastes money, consider how much of your wealth is wasted through investment costs.  Mutual Funds, brokerage accounts, insurance products, and on and on: personal wealth is wasted and retirement dollars lost because the investment industry charges costs that no longer have to be paid.

Make real change - change measured in actual dollars the industry refuses to reveal.   We explain a simple approach every investor can easily follow to take control over costs, reinvest the savings, and make a real difference measured in real dollars. 

Learn how to cut costs - and keep that money instead.  The actual dollar amounts you can save are significant and benefit you and your family.



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