Thursday, July 28, 2011

Plan? Sure, we've got a plan

"White House press secretary Jay Carney said Thursday that President Obama’s debt ceiling plan is the best-known option at this point. There’s just one problem with that: No publicly available, detailed Obama plan exists....

What Carney was referring to is the negotiations Obama and House Speaker John Boehner were conducting behind closed doors. No written plan ever came out of those meetings, and the two political leaders never reached an agreement. Boehner went on to develop his own plan....

More confusion about what specifically White House officials are referring to when talking about Obama’s plan ensued later on Thursday. In a White House Twitter chat Thursday afternoon, Obama administration officials tweeted out a link to what they call the president’s debt ceiling plan. Instead of linking to the “Obama-Boehner” plan Carney referred to mere hours before, the link directs to an April 13 White House “Fiscal Responsibility” fact sheet. The fact sheet does not use the term “debt ceiling."



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