Friday, July 29, 2011

Good Business if You Can Get It

From the New York Times Dealbook:

"Evercore Partners is still playing in the big leagues.

The investment firm reported second-quarter revenue of $142 million, a 119 percent increase from the period a year earlier, and it posted a profit of $2.3 million, up from $117,000...

it has been a good year for Evercore, the M.&A. advisory specialty firm co-founded by Roger C. Altman, the Democratic power broker who served as deputy Treasury secretary under President Clinton....

Evercore has bolstered its advisory business in recent months...(b)ut adding experienced employees meant paying them well, and the firm gave out $101 million, or 71 percent of its revenue, as compensation this quarter, up from 70 percent in the period a year earlier...."

71% of revenue?  These are Democratic power brokers?



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