Saturday, April 2, 2011

Aw Shucks: the World's Greatest Investor

Aw shucks, Warren Buffett is such a great guy, being a billionaire and all.

But over the last several days, information has come out about Buffett, The World's Greatest Investor, and his former heir apparent, David Sokol.

Buffett, a hero to many investors and Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, has tried to spin the Sokol situation with some of his typical folksy, aw shucks language.

Sokol resigned from Berkshire Hathaway this week when it was revealed that Sokol acted in a... a, aw shucks, let's call it a sleazy manner.

The lesson? Beware of everyone, including Mr. Aw Shucks Billionaire!


What follows is some commentary in the media worth reading.

The best commentary comes from David Sokol himself, quoted in the blog "Deal Journal," on the Wall Street Journal's website:

"Before David Sokol became the world’s most famous ex-employee of Berkshire Hathaway, he was a self-published author.

Sokol in 2007 issued a 127-page business guide, “Pleased but Not Satisfied” which is packed with personal biography and anecdotes (go karts and irate shoppers returning fatty roasts, for example) and business aphorisms influenced by some of Sokol’s mentors.

Deal Journal plucked a few choice nuggets from “Pleased But Not Satisfied.”

Sokol on integrity: 

[W]hat is integrity? First of all, it is not as complicated or gray as many would have you believe. Integrity is merely doing what is right, even when no one is looking.

It is being honest with people. It is being forthright and candid. It is honoring a commitment even when it is not convenient. It is admitting when you are wrong. It is maintaining confidentiality. It is giving proper credit to an individual’s contributions or achievements.

It is playing by the rules and not attempting to get around them.”

Aw Shucks, thank you for your wisdom, Mr. Sokol, for you were handpicked by the Oracle of Omaha, Uncle Warren Buffett, Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway!

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