Monday, April 11, 2011

Oh.... that house was finally sold

A story at mentions that U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geihtner has not sold his home in Connecticut, but JPMorgan Chairman Jamie Dimon (see next entry) sold his Chicago home.

"(Dimon) reportedly sold his manse for $6.8 million (after having bought it for $4.7 million) and JPMorgan apparently picked up the realtor tab.
JPMorgan covered $421,458 in real estate commissions and related costs in selling Dimon’s Gold Coast mansion. In the company’s proxy, it said the payment of commissions, appraisals, inspections, title search and other ordinary costs of selling a home was “in accordance with the firm’s general policy on relocation expenses, applicable to all eligible employees who relocate at the request of the firm.”

And the house of Dimon:

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