Thursday, January 28, 2016

New Stagflation: more evidence of less startups, less job growth - but certainly More Government 16 Years into George W. Obama World

Where is the dynamism?

Same Old, Same Old rumbles down the line, 
but new company formation lags far, far behind.

Far from a visible leap ahead, new jobs from startups creep behind.

This is the New Stagflation.  Courtesy of George W. Obama.

Little Guys keep getting hurt and left behind.  And the Big Guys - including Big Gov, Big Biz, Big Labor, Big Media, Big Tech, Big Deals, Big Parties - make the rounds at the banquet tables.  Hmmm....

Where's Gerald Ford when you need him?

Maybe he and Jimmy C have been with us for sixteen years.  How does that possibly change with the presidential options before us?  P

From the Real Time Economics Blog at

America’s entrepreneurs still hadn’t regained their footing six years after the recession ended, a troubling sign for an economy that once counted on fast-growing startups for employment and ideas.

A new report by the Labor Department shows 232,000 establishment “births” [Start Up companies] in the second quarter of 2015, a slight decline from the prior quarter. Those accounted for 831,000 jobs.

As a share of the overall labor market, the number of jobs attributed to such births has fallen noticeably since before the recession, from about 12.5% of the total to a little more than 11%.

Commerce Department data, which isn’t as current but reaches back to the 1970s, shows the trend stretching back decades...

But the apparent loss of dynamism—the decline of startups—has been a puzzle for economists and a potential roadblock for economic growth.

The creation and destruction of companies and jobs should, at least in theory, make way for new technology and innovation, allow people to better match their skills to openings and boost productivity...

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