Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Leaders Lead, Unite, and Inspire others to follow. Paul Ryan wants others to follow first. What?

Why does Washington D.C. attract so many earnest political players with high self regard, yet no inner strength of conviction?

Consider Congressman Paul Ryan who wants to be loved, admired, endorsed and obeyed before he would ascend to the throne of Speaker of the House.

That's not leadership.  That's weakness.

Has Ryan been in Washington too long? 

Ryan is a man who had a national platform in 2012 as Mitt Romney's running mate on the Republican ticket.

With that kind of background and exposure, Ryan should have already led, convinced and achieved full agreement among the Republican members.

He should have already won support for becoming Speaker through his convictions and skills of leadership.

Instead, Ryan is play acting as a leader.  He is asking for assurances that occur in courtship.  Something is wrong and what is wrong with Ryan is emblematic of our current crop of political leadership.

The varying robust claims about representing the people is a healthy exercise in Washington D.C.  That is what Republicans are doing for their voters. 

Paul Ryan is showing something other than leadership.

Yes, Ryan could be something more than the "Paul Putin from Janesville."  Just like Vlad, we know Paul likes to show that he likes to stay physically fit.

And he likes to talk about making the federal budget get fiscally fit: mostly about bending the curve of government spending at some point in time years from now.  (Yea!  That's the winning message: let's reshape our curves.)

But Ryan belongs to a type that is flat and hollow, yet buzzes with a settled sense of self-importance that Washington D.C. imputes to people who want to belong to the elect crowd.

Fix that budget!  Attend that conference!  Explain that chart!

Ryan is a company man.

He is not an entrepreneur.  He is not an independent achiever.  He is not a leader.  He may become the next Speaker of the House.  

But what does that mean for you and me?  It's not clear.


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