Friday, April 3, 2015

New Book: 'Unfinished Work - The Struggle to Build an Aging American Workforce'

From the publisher's website at the University of Oxford Press:

The forces driving the first decades of the 21st century—-globalization, technology, and unprecedented wealth mixed with jarring economic instability—-are pushing the day of retirement later and later in life.

The era of the aging worker is here...

Unfinished Work probes the struggles of companies either unable or unwilling to accommodate the aging of their workforces and the quandaries of governments and policymakers eager to control pension pay-outs to retiring boomers, yet unsure how to keep them on the job.

What emerges is a compassionate but clear-eyed portrait of a world in the midst of a slow-motion aging revolution that will have vast consequences for present and coming generations.

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